Who We Are
We are a family oriented, community serving Occupational Therapy practice with deep roots within the San Diego community. Learn More About Us
What We Provide
We proudly serve our San Diego communities in all things pediatric rehabilitation through occupational therapy services. Our specialties are quite deep and cover a lot of special needs. Get To Know The Staff
What We Specialize In
Some common diagnostic categories we treat include feeding aversion & oral motor/oral sensitivities; developmental delays; Aspergers Autistic Spectrum Disorders. More About Our Specialties

Mondays to Fridays
The volunteer program is designed to help perspective OT, PT, ST students build on their observation hours. Thus, you must be actively pursuing the career of Occupational, Physical and/or Speech Therapy. The process includes a cover letter and resume to be emailed to Val Plummer (val@ot-etc.com), OTR/L (responsible for coordinating the volunteer program). There is an interview process that can be scheduled directly with the receptionist: 858-565-6910.